Monday, June 8, 2009

More new chicks--total now of 4

Isn't Popp

y jus tthe prettiest thing EVER? Besides her sister? This is our tamest chick, the Americuna. So far we are all enjoying our chicks, and looking forward to fresh eggs.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

We have chickens...

we have 2 chickens, Rhode Island Reds, and Scott is going to get some Americunas tomorrow. So we will have 4 baby chicks. We are assuming in the end we will have 3. Scott is building a big coop in the back corner of the yard, and we are looking forward to FRESH EGGS! We'll let everyone know how our urban chicken experiment goes.....
The girls are great, tomorrow is their last day of scuola till September. We are still unsure of how we are going to afford to pay their tuition, but if things are finally settled with my dad's estate we can use some of that income towards their tuition. It's steep--$12,000 for the 2 of them to attend Tu/Th 8:30am-12:3opm.
But they can sing in italian, and tilly can speak alot more than Poppy--she can say her colors, some numbers, etc. She really picked up on the language and will use english/italian interchangably. We love hearing her speak in italian!