Sunday, December 28, 2008

visiting Big Daddy on Christmas

Most of you know how heartbroken I still am over my dad, I wonder most days if his death is something I will ever get over and get past. He was here, and then he was gone. I still can't believe he's gone and many days almost pick up the phone to call him before I catch myself. So on Christmas Day we all went to visit Big Daddy, and thought you would enjoy some pictures.

Christmas Day!

So so cute on Christmas morning. It was a bit of a hectic day, didn't get to even finish the gingerbread house, but the girls got some nice gifts, including 2 new skuut balance bikes from Grammy. Scott's mom earlier in the week gave them 2 tricycles which they can already ride. The balance bike is a bit tall for Tilly, but she loves to ride on it! Poppy is just about tall enough but doesn't always have the ability to concentrate on the ride. Thanks to cousin Andrea for the adorable Christmas night gowns--dont the girls look darling!

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Tilly without Poppy

Adorable but so whiny! My little angel has turned into a A++ whiner--and I can hardly stand it. Not with my mom, just with me, sigh. She did really well though, being a only child for 3 whole days!

cute funny from my travel day with Tilly

So Tilly and I were killing time watching the planes on the runway last Sunday, when a 3 yo and 1yo came over to stare at the planes and the action from her spot. She seemed a bit miffed then they started screaming plane plane, bus bus--so it was alright. Anyways, the 3yo asked me where all the planes were going. I told him all over the world, so he looked at me right in the eyes and said "do you think they are going to grandma's house?"

Yes little man, I think most of the planes this week are going to grandma's house!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

tree shopping

We slipped in a christmas tree shopping event Friday night even though I've been working 7 days a week. I'm trying to enjoy every day I have the girls, and do fun things even if I'd rather go home and collapse in bed. Time goes by so fast, you know. So we went tree shopping and out to dinner on Friday night--the girls were like wild animals at Firewood while we ate, thankfully all the lovely gay men in the Castro made a HUGE fuss over how cute the girls are so thy didn't seem to mind all the bad behavior.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

so many country cousins

From the 6 Yates siblings--there are 17 living cousins. My grandparents William Raymond Yates and Mildred Lee Wilson Yates had Robert, Wilson and Frank, then Catherine, Malline and Frances, all of whom go by their middle names and not given names--a old southern tradition. Of course Robert died at the end of WWII, so the remaining 5 siblings had all 17 children. We took a picture at Aunt Margaret's funeral on the steps of Pleasant Grove--missing only 2 first cousins--Barry and Don, even though there are a few extra cousins in the picture (2nd cousins and 1st cousins once removed? how does that go again?)

I am the second youngest. Many of my cousins are grandparents, and have children not much younger than me. I thought everyone had crazy families like this -- I'm so sad for those who don't. I love my family!

Academy of Science pix

We finally went and joined the day after Thanksgiving and the place was a zoo, and in places very poorly designed. At one spot downstairs 2 strollers or a stroller and a wheelchair can't pass each other (this happened to us). It is actually a bit ridiculous considering this is a place that will host mostly families and kids, and cost a zillion dollars. Anyways, here are some cute pictures for you all to enjoy!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Aunt Margaret

So my great aunt died. For once there is nothing to be sad about with death. We will miss her, but we are not sad that she is gone. She was no longer happy here, and longed to be somewhere other than here. For some time now, she had been wanting to go home, to see her husband and her mother. She was 103 years 6 months and 18 days old. She was outliving the next generation.

It wasn't until we were at the graveside that I realized that this woman, who lived all those years is buried maybe 200 yards from where she was born. Exactly where she was born, in the old Yates homeplace that was built by her Grandfather, and more than likely where her father was born, and certainly where she was born, with her 2 sisters, Minnie Kate and Myrtie Mae, and her brother William Raymond, who was my grandfather. It was where my mom, aunts and uncles were all born too--where our family raised cotton among other things.

One thing most people don't know about me--I love to read obituaries. So many people have led such interesting lives. They die so quietly, but at some point have done amazing things or been so important to others. They are people that someone loved.

Back to Aunt Margaret. So she is gone, but her body is in a place that she loved. Our family church cemetary, Pleasant Grove Church built in 1913, on land that borders the Yates farm, and holds many of our ancestors, including her parents, grandparents and great grandparents also in the cemetary. In the middle picture, her grave site is just behind me, and our family farm begins on the other side of the pond. Really, when you think about the whole deal--that's a pretty fantastic ending.